Loose weight

Now a days loosing weight is a big challange for both men and women. This is because of our bad lifestyle, lack of exercise, good diet,no walking, and sometimes feeling stress also leads to gain weight. Getting slim body is a big desire to men and  women. You can loose weight by keeping good diet! Yes!! What you are hearing is absolutely right, by good diet you can loose weight very easily, Here there are some tricks, which they can help you.

The foods help you to loose weight are
2. Oats in breakfast
3. Chicken
4. Meat, it is an excellent source of protein
5. Greeny vegetables ( Spinach )
6. Eating high protein contained food

 The foods you should avoid :
1. Sugar, intake of sugar can makes weight gain.
2. Rice, better to choose whole grain rice.
3. Potatoes.
4. White bread.
5. Cookies and doughnuts
6. Chocolates ,etc...
By eating the junk food can increase calories which can leads to store fat under your skin. 

 Then coming to the exercises: 
                There are lot of exercises to burn fat, the first exercise I prefer is cardio. By choosing cardio can improves you stamina, burns a lot of calories, the minimum cardio is about 30 to 45 minutes should be recommended.
                  For burning calories. Deadlift, squats and e.t.c  helps to release testosterone hormone. This is the hormone which can give good shape to your body. And increase your muscle mass and it also helps in burning fat
                      Cycling is one of the best exercises for you heart and helps to lose weight.
                By following these tips you can lead a healthy life, and you can reach your goal very easily.



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